Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Touch of Love

I almost forgot that it was Valentine’s Day but thanks to and its beautiful doodle on its website, I was quickly reminded, oh it’s February 14. Coincidentally, my teacher went inside the library giving out love cards. Just at that moment, I turned pale; did my crush receive the letter I gave earlier?

Anyway, who cares? Valentine’s is only a veneration of St. Valentine. Don’t ask me more about its history, I’m not a historian. Just go and google it. Ei, am I quite bitter? Well, not really. Even though the month of February really is a terrible month for me (after all I have been through in my love life, if I even have a love life), I was never bitter to love only to the person I love (haha, joke).

Hey, don’t get me wrong ok? Just don’t mind that last statement above this paragraph. To be honest I really love Valentines but sometimes I feel like it is very overrated. I mean people would only go and make an effort to show their love during Valentine’s day, so how about the other 364 (365 if leap year) days in the calendar? Isn’t it also proper to show them love not just on Valentine’s Day but also every day?

My point is as a simple as this: whether it’s Feb. 14, Oct. 31 or Nov. 1, please don’t forget to love those who you value much. Its definitely right to celebrated on Feb. 14 but at least try to make every day a Valentine’s Day! After all, isn’t he or she worthy of your everyday love?

Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!

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